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Monday, December 01, 2014

Naked and Afraid - possibly NSFW

I'm not quite sure what it is about this show, but I'm so intrigued. I mean seriously....can you imagine walking up to a complete stranger butt ass naked and not trying to get a glimpse of their junk right from the jump?? Pshyeah right!! I'd be all awkward and 'ish like trying to make eye contact but checking out the goods in my peripheral hard core.

And the ways they have to position their bodies in order to do whatever it is that they have to to "survive" and all. Like b-hole spread wide to the heavens sipping water out of a stream....yeah.

Plus, here's the best part ladies...the boys are pusses!! Half the time it's them who have to tap out and leave the ladies alone to fend for themselves. I mean really?!? What can be worse then getting your period naked out in the middle of a jungle? Pretty sure anything else is minuscule compared to that. Suck it up!! Like this guy who got sunburned on the first day and pretty much laid around for the first three days leaving the lady to do all the work.

P.S. I also just happened to find out he was in a Playboy show called
 "Foursome" doin' the nasty.

I was a sceptic at the beginning I'm not going to lie. Then Mike just happened to have it on in the background one day...and it ended with us setting the DVR to record all episodes. lol. It's like a train wreck, I tell you!!

Oh...and you have to watch this trailer for the Seth Rogen and James Franco Naked and Afraid episode. Haha yup, you heard that right!! I'm down. Although I'm sure they will both tap out within the first few hours. I know it's just to promote their new movie but I'm sure it's going to be hilarious.

Anyone else out there willing to admit they are fans of Naked and Afraid??


  1. Hahaha! 'b-hole spread wide..' So funny! It's hard to watch, but I can't stop! It's so weird & such a strange concept.. and yea, the periods. Ughhhh. The name of the show is even like "the fuh is this?" Haha..

  2. I am obsessed with this show because WTF it's insane.

  3. Never seen it but you had me at "b-hole spread wide to the heavens"! I"m dying to know... what did the girl do when she got her period?!?!

  4. I haven't seen this show before, BUT when I saw the trailer for Seth Rogen and James Franco, I'm all in! Haha. :)

  5. Haha I've never heard of this but it looks hilarious! X

  6. Wth? No, just no! Are theres the people that can't get on Survivor? I don't get it but I can see why this would be hilarious to watch haha
