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Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday 5

My niece celebrated her 5th birthday this week!! I can't believe she is growing up so fast!! We were reminiscing about the day she was born on at her birthday dinner. I remember it like it was yesterday. This year she's starting Kindergarten!! She's the perfect little girl and I couldn't be happier to be her Auntie.

I finally got my butt in gear and did some stuff around the house. A few weekends ago I painted some accent walls and then the next weekend Mike and I painted the dining room. We hung the curtains last weekend and even hung up some more things on the walls. We're just waiting on our desk and a few other things and it will really be coming together!!

OK, so this kinda consists of last week, but since I didn't post it last week I'm doing it now. Our best friends had a baby!!! He's adorable and I love him and he's the cutest thing ever and I miss him already. His name is Aiden. The whole name story is kinda funny, but long so I won't bore you, but...long story short, they had 2 names picked out and couldn't decide. Out of the blue, in the hospital, came Aiden. He fits it and he's so adorbs. And now...Mike wants one....

Next week is the last week of Horizons. Thank God. I feel like I am getting really burned out. Then, I only have two weeks and it's back to school. I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing next year. I really like having something to do in the summertime, but I think working with kids the whole time is getting to me. We'll have to see what happens.

I took the "kids" to D.C. this week to go to the Museum of American History. It was fun and it reminded me of how much I miss doing stuff like that. Mike and I used to go and do stuff back in the day and D.C. to visit the museums was always a good time. Plus, they are free, so you can't beat that.

So that's it!! Cheers to the freakin weekend!!


  1. Cute baby! Love the name Aiden. Happy Friday!

  2. Get knocked up! All the cool kids are (trying) to do it! Ha! Have a good weekend!

  3. Good for you on the house stuff - I need to get it in gear over here!
