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Friday, November 07, 2014

TGIF - I need to get drunk...

{1} The Thursty Thursday linkup started back up yesterday!!! Yup!! I'm super excited and have missed it. I've thought about starting it up again a million times but I just figure I'll fail. Then, I finally said screw it, who cares, and decided on Tuesday I wanted to present this amazing drink to my minions followers because they would love it!! Hope you join us in the future. If you're interested in co-hosting just email me!!

{2} I'm getting drunk tonight. So...Wednesday I hit a deer on my way home from work and this week has been the longest week of my life so....I'm getting drunk. Wish I could have brought a little sumn' sumn' to work but that's against the law, unfortunately, so I guess I'll refrain. But when I get home, it's on. I'll even pour some out for my homie...the deer that caused $3000 worth of damage to my car.

{3} Today is Camo Day at work. I rocked it, as ush. Like a hunter and gatherer I found these amazing leaves myself and hot glued them onto my headband. Cuz I'm cool like that. Duh....or maybe I'm just cheap and don't own but this one camo shirt...

{4} My bestie is coming home this weekend!! She just got off an 8 month deployment and made CHIEF!!!! Woohoo!! I'm super excited to see her and couldn't be prouder of her. Let's get drunk!! SHe's one of the most amazing women I have ever met and I am so privileged to have her in my life. I have missed her desperately and can't wait to see her!!

{5} I love this weather!! It's my favorite!! Fire pits and camping, smores, apple cider. Couldn't be better. Plus its not too hot and not too cold. Just the perfect weather indeed. I can wear jeans with a tee and then throw on a cute sweater or sweatshirt. LOVE IT!!

Linking up for...


  1. eek! you hit a deer! are you ok? i would drink too if that happened to me :(

    1. I'm good. A split second sooner he would have been kissing my cheek!! It just added to the shenannies this week, but thanks for asking!!

  2. at first I read it as "...and glued them onto my head."
    Maybe I should join you in the drinking!! Happy Friday!

    1. Hahaha, that would be awesome, too!! I had to go back and look to see if I wrote it wrong. I never go back and reread in case you haven't noticed. haha

  3. oh no your poor car and well poor deer!! $3k in damage is hard to swallow so I hope insurance is helping!! Have a fun drunken weekend!

    1. We have to come out of pocket $1000. Unfortunately, But at least they pay the rest. Booooooo. I can't wait until 4.

  4. Dude, that deer got one over on you. That sucks! You rocked the camo arts & crafts though.

    1. Right...stupid deer. I saw his brother on the side of the road this morning. I told my kids I was the Woods Queen. haha. Unfortunately, my leaves are all wilted now. :(

  5. Your car getting hit by a deer definitely calls for drinks! Hope you have a better weekend. :)

  6. How awesome that your bestie is coming home!!! :D :D :D

  7. Yikes, I'd be terrified if I'd hit a deer and it's entirely possible because of the drought - they're coming into the neighborhoods! You're sure in good spirits about it. Have a great weekend!

  8. The title of this post made me LOL haha! I am so sorry you hit a deer -- I am honestly terrifed of that happening to me!
