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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Happies and Crappies!! + Giveaway!!

This week has been pretty good!! I'm excited to be back for Happies and Crappies!!


1. We've got this awesome giveaway going on!! I finally reached 200 GFC followers, which might not seem like much to many of you, but, considering I only started this blog to keep track of my own stuff, it's pretty cool how many people I've met and connected with!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

2. We have the day off today!! Maryland has an education conference in Ocean City today but clearly I don't have to the money to go so I get to lay in bed with Goob all day!! Oh!! And!! I get to go to the gym this afternoon!! 

3. Mike and I have been getting along much better. Must be due to this post that I wrote last week. haha. Sometimes you just have to get ish off your chest. haha. 

4. We broke in the home theater 3D style this week!! Pacific Rim is a must see. I can't imagine watching it without 3D, however. Oh and...Charlie Hunnam without a shirt...

5. The Halloween Book Club was a success. In case you didn't catch it, I posted some of the recipes here. I'm cohosting Taste of Tuesday with Jess and Ashley on Tuesday for 2 more recipes. Be sure to stop by and check them out!!


1. It's hot as shit everywhere. My classroom feels like a sauna. The house is freaking ridiculous. And I'm too cheap to turn on the air. I'm legit sweating as we speak.

2. This was legit the longest week ever!!! And we had today off. I can't stand it. I literally almost cried on Wednesday when I left for work. That's how bad I wanted to stay home.

3. I've got 2 canker sores in my mouth and one is right in the middle and rubs against my teeth. And I love to eat. sucks.

Ok that's it. Don't forget to link up for Happies and Crappies!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm excited for the Pier 1 gift card

  3. Sometimes a good bitchfest fixes everything!! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Congrats on hitting 200! I'm sure you are excited!

  5. ahhh I wish I lived near you, I would demand to be inducted into the halloween book club!

  6. It always seems like short weeks are the LONGEST weeks. We had Monday off but I swear I worked 10 days this week instead of 4. Hope you have a great weekend! xo

  7. Found you through Alicia and wish I would've found you sooner -love your blog! I'm most excited about the Starbucks card - I can never get enough coffee!

  8. love give aways even though i never win which sucks :( apparently the L in laney doesnt mean lucky LOL

  9. Usually I would say starbucks giftcard... but I am digging urban outfitters! so i'll go with that one!♥

  10. Love your "happies" & boooo to the "crappies"! That guacamole pumpkin is too funny :-D
